We make every effort to provide products of the highest possible quality. 99% of our products meet our quality standards. Due to thorough size testing with real women sizes 0—20, it is rare that we are unable to get the right fit for someone. It is very important to us that our customers let us know if they have a quality or fit issue with their purchase. We will replace anything with quality issues and we will help you get a great fit. We hope you don’t encounter any issues. If you do, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and will appreciate the opportunity to make things right for you.


If you have experienced any technical issues, missing information or confusing information, we will appreciate you letting us know so we can address it immediately. Send an email to info@chemisettesbyanne.com We can always email an order form to you if you prefer not to wait for technical issues to be fixed.

We welcome your questions and comments. You should receive a response within 1 business day. If not, please send an email directly at info@chemisettesbyanne.com.

If you send us an email and do not receive a response within 24 business hours, please check to make sure that there were no types in the email address, or use another method to contact us. (i.e. fax, phone, postal mail, website contact form.)

It is important to us that we respond to your inquiries in a timely manner. It is our goal to assure that every customer receives exceptional customer service. Following this contact advice will help us to help you. Thank You.

  • Chemisettes by Anne
  • 13239 Westhampton Place #101
    Fishers, IN 46037-6801
  • info@chemisettesbyanne.com

Legal and Licensing

US Patent 8,371,901
For legal inquiries, contact:
C. John Brannon, Ph.D.
Patent Attorney & Chief Executive Officer